I am full into garden season now, my absolute favorite time of year. Spring brings not only my birthday but new life, growth, and the chance to dig my hands into the earth and feel the warmth of sun kissed dirt. My nails are always brown even with gloves and chances are my face is brown too from wiping my hair out of my eyes with my garden gloved hands.
This year is a big garden year for us. We have sold three shares of our garden, one to a complete stranger! It was interesting getting a check in the mail, that I was not expecting, from someone who wants to buy our produce every week. Turns out its a friend of a friend so they didn't go into it blindly but I still have yet to actually speak with this person. lol In addition to the garden shares (think CSA but I was to scared to call it that) we also sold some produce to my mom and are planning our fall harvest to be huge for root cellaring.
So whats in the ground? So far its been slow going. Lots of rain has hampered my efforts and being in a new, higher elevation, area I was worried about frost. None of my neighbors could give me a good answer. I heard everything from July to when the snow is gone from Mt. Pleasant. Umm where is Mt. Pleasant? I ended up calling a local dahlia nursery a few miles away and they were very friendly and helpful. Ooops thats me getting sidetracked, so back to what is in the ground. So far potatoes (3 varieties), lots of tomatoes, carrots, snap peas, many varieties of lettuces, radishes, spinach, cabbage, swiss chard, arugula. I have a ton of starts left to go in the ground and many, many seeds left to plant.
I love spending time in my garden, I even tolerate the spiders when I am there. If you know me personally you know spider tolerating is huge for me. lol I still have one garden bed to de-rock and then I can finish mulching the paths. I hope you are all enjoying your spring (or fall) and are looking forward to the coming season.