Who am I? Some days I don't even know. I am a mother and a wife. I am a believer, a child of God. I am a sister, a homeschooler, a gardener, an un-practicing doula, a wanna-be midwife, a fierce friend, and sometimes a little girl. I am the mom with 4 kids who sometimes wonders what she was thinking and the mom with four kids who would not change a single thing. I try to be grateful and want more joy. I have issues (you do too!) and can only overcome them with the help of my Father. So as my blog is a rambling mess of this and that and that and this so is my introduction. Welcome to Lally! The place where you will hear a lot of gardening (if its Spring), a lot of canning (if its fall), and a thousand different ramblings that go through my head each day. This blog is simply me.