Monday, February 2, 2009

A November Catch Up

Yet another catch up post. Photos from November. A big busy month. Lots of play dates, activities, and the first stocking of Sewing Alley since Naomi was in my belly. It was a nice long break to recooperate from birth and newbornhood.

Three eggs in one day!

Every year there is a field trip through one of the homeschool groups. It is called School on Trains. You get a discounted rate on a ticket to Seatttle and back. Maddy and Joe went last year and this year Michael was old enough to attend as well. They have a blast! They arrive in Seattle in the afternoon and leave in the evening. The train car is full of other homeschooling families.

Not going to label the photos as I was not there so not sure what they are.

Our first green egg!

She loves taking a bath.

Michael got a new hair cut.

2 more Seattle photos, not sure how they got down here.

Michael took some photos of himself one day. The kids love to take pictures and will often ask for the camera and I will get it back full of the most interesting pictures. I love these!

Playing Play dough with G, A, and A who were here to play for a bit. This is the best play dough ever! Not stinky like that store bought stuff and smooth unlike some home made recipes. You can find out more about it here. I know, I know. lol

I made Marah a new dress. Its just cheap flannel as it was a practice dress.
The kids like playing with pattern blocks. Michael made this and says it is a Bionicle.

Marah made this one.

Our friends L, C, and M came to visit. L and I were working on a Collaboration for Sewing Alley (you can view them here and here) and the kids played while we worked.
They played dress up out of the hall closet.

My friend L. Yes she does have a face. I believe Maddy took this photo.
Self portrait.


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