Thursday, October 8, 2009

My New Sewing Room

We have been rearranging around here lately. My sewing stuff has been housed in the living room until recently. I now have my very own sewing room. Well kind of my own, I'll share it, maybe. We decided to move the three older kids into the master bedroom. Joe and I don't use our room except to sleep. Naomi is still co sleeping with us and naps in there but otherwise the room sits unused all day. We measured and moved our king bed and the side carred crib into the smaller back bedroom that used to be Madeline's. They were excited to move as they can have the bunk beds again if they are sharing a room. With the bunk beds, a toddler bed, and 2 large shelves they still have a huge amount of play space left in there. The living room is so much nicer now and looks twice the size. I will make sure to get some photos of the other rooms and post them so you can see the difference.

View from the door of the sewing room

Some of my fabric. Isn't it pretty. I love me some fabric. I like to feel it and pet it and feel it. Especially minkee, oh the feel of minkee. This is mostly flannel, wovens, fleece, knits, and felt. The small totes contain patterns, thread, and trims. The top three squares are projects in progress.

One half of the closet. The very top shelf is mostly storage items. The other shelves hold miscellaneous notions, the scrap box, my snap press, and yes more fabric. Fabric over here is corduroy, denims, terry cloth, and holiday fabrics. The other half of the closet contains my roll of newsprint for pattern making, bolts of fabric, and some storage totes that contain the two little girls outgrown clothes. These will become their keepsake quilts. Which I usually give them about age 4 as they can remember some of the more recent clothes by then.

There was room for Madeline's desk and her sewing machine. She has an older Kenmore we bought used at the local sew and vac. It is a great machine for her.

My precious, oh I mean my sewing machine and serger.

Table number two. This one is holding my new baby (sorry Naomi). Its a Brother LB-6770 sewing and embroidery machine and it arrived yesterday!! I cannot wait to use it. The drawer storage is really great. Everything in this used to be housed in a storage tote and I would have to dig and dig and it was always messy. Drove me nuts! So top drawer holds my business cards, postcards, magnets, and other miscellaneous advertising items. Second drawer holds my hang tags, ribbons I use for packaging, and labels. Third drawer holds my snaps for my snap press, size tags, sweater shaver, lint roller, etc. Last drawer holds my instruction manuals and poly mailers.

More storage totes. The first one on the left is completed items, middle is fabrics that shed (teddy bear fabric, oh my gosh its messy!), and the third one is wool sweaters that are waiting to become something else.

Kind of an awful picture but the sun was out today and letting in all this gorgeous light. Mmmm sun, must soak it up now before its gone. Okay back... This is the shelf for some of the homeschooling stuff. Books that we don't want Naomi to rip or Marah to color on. The older two kids workbooks and Madeline's scrapbooking supplies. There are a few empty shelves that I will fill with Madeline's craft stuff that she can't keep in her room because of the littles. Mainly her water color set and other messy like crafts. She can come in here and create at her desk without the interference of little hands. Unless I'm sewing then there will be littles in here as well. So see I am sharing. :)

And for your viewing pleasure. Some of the items created by the machines you just saw. Click on the photos to see the full size images over at Hidden Element.

And blogger spell check just so you know serger is too a word. Serger not a word. Sigh...


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Hi Lally, I'm so impressed by your room and a little jealous. Our present office will be my sewing room, but until the new office is complete I have to wait. Sigh! In the meantime I may have to pop back and look at yours now and again!

Anonymous said...

Wow, now that is organized! I like the racks for fabric, everything is so easy to see.