The remainder of the book is split into two parts. Part one being more philosophical and offering encouragement. Part two being the how to application of how she does things in her household. I sat down with the book with the intention learning. As I read I took notes and looked up any Biblical references or verses she noted. Any ideas I thought would work for my family I wrote down in a notebook and ones I thought might work I noted and tweaked a bit.
There were some specific chapters and sections that I really enjoyed. I started to implement some of her ideas right away, such as the office and paperwork ideas. Others I have implemented over time. I keep referencing this book which is a plus for me. I like books that make me want to look at them again rather than just collecting dust on my shelf.
I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for practical ideas of how to handle the day to day in a house with lots of kids. Though I think had I read this when I was a mother of one it would have made things a lot smoother going from one to two, to three, and then to four! lol
You can purchase the book at the above link or its also on Amazon. Her blog Large Family Logistics has some good posts, though posts are more frequent on her facebook page which is linked on her blog. If you have read this book or plan to I would love to hear what you thought about it!
I do not know the author and have not been given anything or asked to do this review. This is just my thoughts.
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