Harvest Totals

Herbs, Green Onions, and Radishes

This is a list of the totals we have harvested from our own garden or from u-picking at local farms.  We currently live in the city (renting) and have two 4 ft by 15 ft raised beds.  As of April 2012 we have 0 laying hens, 8 pullets, 10 meat birds, 15+ bantam chicks, and 7 show bantams.

Pak Choi
Baby Chick

2012 Harvest Totals

Leeks (wintered over) 12

Strawberry Fruit Leather

2011 Harvest and Preserving Totals
(this is a list of what I might like to remember, eggs and garden produce have been deleted)
4 Turkeys
Strawberries (u-pick) 38 lbs
Pears (pre-picked local) 100 lbs
Apples (pre-picked local) 125lbs
Chicken Stock 6 gallons
Turkey Stock 2 gallons
7 half pint strawberry jam
1 pint strawberry jam
4 pints strawberry jelly
4 pints strawberry puree

10 quarts canned pears
20 quarts pear sauce
8 pints pear sauce
1 quart whole blackberries
3 pints pear jelly
5 pints pear blackberry jam
8 quart whole cherry tomatoes
8 pints whole cherry tomatoes
14 quarts tomato sauce
20+ pints tomato sauce
27 rolls strawberry fruit leather
1 pint dried strawberries
1 quart dried cherry tomatoes
1 gallon bag frozen cherry tomatoes
3 gallon bags frozen strawberries
3 gallon bags frozen blackberries