Monday, May 28, 2007


We went camping at Oxbow Park in Oregon. It went well as our first trip with a toddler.

She had fun in her "camping clothes". Why are all girl clothes pale pastels?

We saw deer.

The kids slept well.

They even had a playground.

The view was beautiful.

We hiked.

Periwinkles are a new favorite creature.

The river.
And to top the day off shortly after this picture was taken Marah ate poop!


hendreque said...

Ate poop!?!?!?!! My brother when younger, would play with the cow dung at sauvie island, thinking it was a mother nature frisbee. lol!

Hedy said...

Oh no! Not poop! Well, I'm guessing she made it through OK?

LOVE all the pix!
