Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Homeschool Nights with Dad

Joe and I decided that one or two nights per week the kids would get to stay up late and have homeschool night with dad. They can do fun projects that are hard for me to do with them because of the Marah Monster. They also get to spend some special time with Daddy, which they all seem to enjoy. Nights are often so hectic: Joe home from work, dinner, bedtime. So far some of their projects have been: Lego night (a Michael favorite), they made stepping stones, Madeline is working on a letter to the president, and a bird house.

Madeline was really excited about the idea last month and made a banner for Daddy to see when he came home from work.

Tonight (Feb 20) there was an eclipse. Joe got out the telescope and the kids spent an hour out there with Daddy. Brrrrrrrrr!!!! They looked at the moon and some stars. It was a perfect clear night for this.

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